How to create the survey?
You can start creating the survey by clicking on “Create from scratch” option. Add basic details of the survey like name, category, language, start and end date and click on “Continue”
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You can start creating the survey by clicking on “Create from scratch” option. Add basic details of the survey like name, category, language, start and end date and click on “Continue”
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You can find following 3 steps when you click on “Create survey”
Set up - Add basic details
Adding questions
Applying logics
Question settings
Survey themes
Question types
Logic types
Get started: Creating a survey
Click on Create Survey the survey name, select the category, mention start and end date and click on continue. Get started with the set-up page and fill the required survey details and click continue.
Set Up
On set up page you can:
Edit the survey name
Select the country
Update start and end date for the survey
Set up assumed LOI (length of interview)
Completes required for the survey.
You can enable the Geo IP (Block a respondent to take survey from any other Geo location except the selected country)
Allow multiple entries (Respondent can take the survey multiple time until he/she reach any of our end page.
How to build survey questions?
As soon as you continue to builder, you can see two options namely:
Create from scratch
Upload a questionnaire
Create from scratch – By choosing this option you can start creating survey right away by adding your first type of question.
To keep adding more questions:
Click on plus (+) icon on the left corner and select the type of question you want to create
Enter the question text
In the Answers fields, enter each answer choice.
You can format questions and option texts
Add media files (images, audio, video) to the question text
Configure any additional options from the right panel in question editor mode (enable images, enable quota, randomize, required answer, scale etc.)
Upload a questionnaire by choosing this option you can directly upload AI formatted survey questionnaire to Me-grow Enterprise and AI will create all the questions and few handy configurations automatically. To see the questionnaire format click here
To Upload a Questionnaire:
Click on Getting started with “Upload a questionnaire”
Download our “Sample questionnaire format” to know how to create an AI formatted questionnaire
Once you are ready with your AI formatted questionnaire drag your file in upload area or simply click on “Upload” and select your questionnaire file from the computer
If the file is not having any format error, you will see a success message and all the questions will be created automatically.
Once the questions are created you can edit and update the questions or logics before moving to launch.
If there are errors in the file AI will show you the error file and you can download the error file to rectify the file format errors
We always recommend you check all your questions and subsequent logics before moving to launch the survey
Question Settings
Each question has additional settings you can configure in right hand side of the question type for Options, Logic, Copy and Custom error message.
Format Question & option texts - You can format your question & option text with given formatting options
Question set up - Change your validation options and how your question is displayed. For example, you can choose “require an answer” which makes the question mandatory, randomize options, do not randomize last option, enable images, hide caption, enable quota, and include other and none of the above.
Logic - You can add the logic to direct the respondent to a specific question based on their answer to the previous questions or could send them to terminate/complete pages. Basis on question type you can see relevant logics on right hand side.
Editing a saved question - You can edit your added questions any time when survey is in draft status. Editing existing questions is easy —just click on any question to go to edit mode of the question.
What are the question types I can create?
Following are the different types of question in builder tab which you can create.
Single response
Multiple response
Open end
Section intro page
Matrix scale
Matrix rating
Date time
SEC (India)
NPS Score
Customer Info
Image comparision
Single response
Single response is a simple closed-ended question type that lets the respondents select only one answer from defined list of choices. For Example:
Multiple response
Multiple Choice is a simple closed-ended question type that lets respondents select more than one answer from a defined list of choices. For Example:
Open End
Open end, allows a respondent to answer in open text format such that they can answer based on their complete knowledge, feeling and understanding briefly or with elaborated texts. For Examples:
The rating question lets respondents evaluate a statement on a visual scale of stars and number. It has a rating limit for star 5 and number has 10. For example:
Star rating:
Number rating:
The Ranking question asks respondents to compare items to each other by placing them in order of preference. You can drag and drop the options for raking question.
Section intro page
Use this question to add Introduction to the survey or introduction to a section or add stimulus in the form of video/audio/images
Dropdown is a closed-ended question that allows respondents to choose one answer choice from a list of choices presented in a dropdown menu. You can select single or multiple response from drop down. It has the star and number rating with the limit of 5 star and 10 for number rating
Matrix scale
A Matrix scale question is a closed-ended question that asks respondents to evaluate one or more row items using the same set of column choices. You can select single or multiple response in the Grid and Drop-down format
Matrix rating
A Matrix rating Scale question, commonly known as a Likert Scale, is a variation of the Matrix question where you can assign weights to each answer choice. Rating Scales automatically calculate a weighted average for each answer choice in the Analyze Results section
Date time
The Date/Time question allows you to collect date and time information in a consistent format
SEC is a socioeconomic classification group urban Indian households on the basis of education and occupation of the chief wage earner (CWE: the person who contributes the most to the household expenses) of the household into five segments (SEC A, SEC B, SEC C, SEC D and SEC E households in that order). You can use this question type only for India.
NPS score
You can add NPS question to the survey. NPS score will help you to gauge customer loyalty by generating score basis the answers given by the respondents/customers. It is a rating scale question with a rating range of 0 to 10.
What are the types of logics available and how to apply those logics?
After creating the survey question, can apply the logic to the survey. Logic can help to get more relevant responses. For example: you can use question Ask if logic to control which questions survey takers will see next based on their answers to previous questions.
You can apply the logic from the right-side panel by choosing the right one for a question
Logics types
Ask this question if
Skip this question if
If and/or
pipe in option to question text
pipe in option to this question form
Auto code
It allows to target the specific respondents for the survey. For Example:
Q1. Please select the gender.
A. Male
B. Female (terminate if selected other option)
In the above case, if the survey requires only Male respondents, you can use the terminate logic to terminate female respondents
It will allow the specific group of respondents to complete the survey. For example:
Q2. Please select the shopping app you are aware of?
A. Shopping app 1
B. Shopping app 2
C. Shopping app 3 (complete if shopping app 3 is selected)
D. Shopping app 4
In the above case, if you wish to end the survey and keep them as completes for those who selected Option C you can apply this logic.
Ask this question if
Ask this question if logic lets the respondents to answer the specific question based on their answer to pervious closed ended question. For example:
Q1. Are you aware of the below mentioned advertisement or marketing communication?
a. New 1
b. Option 2
c. Attribute 3
d. Answer 4
e. Selection 5
Q2. Which among the following companies could "Attribute 3" belong to? (Ask if logic is applied from Q1 for option c (Attribute 3)
a. Com 1
b. Com 2
c. Com 3
d. Com 4
e. Com 5
Skip this question if
Skip Logic lets you skip a specific question for respondents based on their answer to a previous closed-ended question.
For example:
Q1. Please select your gender
A. Male
B. Female
Q2. Please select your favorite brand (Skip if selected option A in Q1)
a. Brand 1
b. Brand 2
c. Brand 3
If And/ Or logic
If and/or logic can be used when you want to ask a question basis on previous two questions response.
For Example:
Q1. Please select your age group
A. Less than 18 years
B. 18-24 years
C. 25-34 years
D. 35-44 years
E. 45+ Years
Q2. Are you married?
A. Yes
B. No
Q3. How you done insurance for you or your family member in the recent past? (Ask if Q1=C AND Q2 = A)
A. Yes
Pipe in option to question text
You can use this logic to pipe in the answer of previous question to the question text of present question. To use this logic, you have to use the syntax {ans} anywhere in between the question text.
For example:
Q1. Which brand you are aware of?
A. Brand @
B. Brand #
C. Brand $
D. Brand %
Q2. You have mentioned that you are aware of {ans} (Pipe in the option selected in the previous question). Could you tell us more about it?
Pipe in option from
You can use this logic when you want to inherit the options from any previous multi response questions
For example:
Q1. Could you please tell us, which of the following apps/websites have you used for ordering food online? (Multiple question)
A. Food App @
B. Food App #
C. Food App $
D. Food App %
Q2. From the apps/websites which you just mentioned, which is your most preferred app/website? (Pipe in the selected option from Q1).
Auto code
You can use this logic with specific scenario where you don’t want respondents to answer repeated questions.
For example:
Q1. What is your highest level of education?
Post Grad
High School
Q2. Who is the chief wage earner in your family?
Q3. What is the education of chief wage earner?
In this question you can apply, auto code logic as - If selected “Self” in Q2 auto code Q2 as per Q1” else ask Q2 for the rest.
How to Preview my draft survey?
Before launching, preview the survey to make sure everything working as expected. You will not be able to edit the questions, logic etc. once the survey is live so it's helpful to uncover any issues in your survey design before launching.
To preview the survey design
After adding the question types and logic to survey, click on save
Click on preview at the top right corner
Check a feature like required answer, randomize option or logics that you may have in your survey design are functioning properly
You can also copy the preview link from the preview button to share
Click on to save the question.
Click on to reset the question. In case you want revert the changes made to a question you can reset the question with this option.
Duplicate - Can duplicate the same question in the survey. If you have question set having a same identical option with different question text, you can choose to duplicate the question by clicking
Changing question sequence - Can change the question sequence after adding all the question by clicking and holding the icon to drag
Delete - Can delete the question in the survey which is not required using this option.