Calls & Reports
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Once you login to Me-Grow Meeting account you will be able to see a dashboard with following features. Me-Grow Meeting is really a simple DIY tool where you can get started immediately by creating calls.
Calendar & List of calls
Calendar helps you to track all the scheduled calls for you. You can view the full calendar by clicking icon on the calendar or can switch between day or month view basis your priority. You can also see upcoming calls details in the list.
You can view the entire call details with status
Edit the call details such as rescheduling/updating other call information etc.,
You can copy the join call links for each type of users or schedule invite through Google, Outlook or Yahoo calendars
On the calendar view as well you can click on call created for specific time and view the details
You can search for any specific call using search option given above the list
Reports will give you all the completed call analysis and details such as recordings, poll results, emotional analysis, eye tracking results etc. To view any call report:
Click on reports tab
Select the date the call has been completed
Click on “Analysis” which will open a new tab with the call ID as label (see images)
You can see the list of tasks done during the call such as polls, recording, emotional analysis etc.
Reports > Analysis
On click of analysis you can see list of tasks done during the call. You can also see the type and number of responses for each poll question asked during the call
To download poll result click on “Download results”
Recording & Transcripts
You can play the recording via the video player given in the platform
You can also simultaneously see the transcripts being highlighted below while the recording played
Emotion Analysis
If Emotion analysis is not available yet then it will show as “processing”
In case the emotion analysis is not generated you can generate it by clicking on “generate emotion analysis”
On emotion analysis page you can see: Respondent statistics, share of emotion percentage, overall emotion chart, emotion valence overall chart, emotion overall chart and Gender chart.
To view analysis by gender, use the gender switch given with Gender chart
You can copy the link and password to share the analysis with anyone
You can see the analysis by respondent by clicking on “View respondent”
Heat mapping/Eye tracking
To view individual heat mapping, just select the participant name who completed eye tracking and play the heat map video.
You can download the Heat mapped video as well as heat mapped image with “Download” option given on the page
To view any poll result click on
To view any recording and transcripts click on the eye icon. If the recording is still processing you will see it as “processing” in the list. Once the recording is processed from the platform you will be able to view the recording by clicking on
Under, recording, you can download transcript of the recording by clicking on transcript icon
You can download audio or video recording or delete recording by clicking on download icon
To view emotion analysis for media video click on the icon.
You can share the emotion analysis page by clicking share icon which will generate an emotion analysis page link and password which expires after 24 hours
To view eye tracking/heat mapping for media image click on the icon.