Panel Management
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Manage the panel by analysing the panelist history, loyalty index and profile pointers.
List Panel Members (Panelists): List panel members and filter basis various parameters like (Panelist ID, First Name, Last Name, Mobile Number, Email, Postal Code, Registration source, Panelist status, Gender and registration date. To access members list, Select Panel from Main menu -> Manage -> Members
Panelist Profile: Access the panelist profile to understand the response trend and preference. Under the panelist list, click on the panelist email ID to access the panelist specific details ranging from demographics, detailed profile, Surveys allocated, Points history, till referrals made and consent given.
Summary: Monitor key details, member engagement, and registration records.
Activities: Track participation in activities, associated projects, and response status.
Rewards : View rewards earned for completing activities or research projects.
Redemptions : Check redemptions made by panelists and the status of their claims.
Referrals : Track successful referrals made by panelists.
Profile: Review the list of profile questions answered.
Consent: View the consent provided by panelists for participation.
Referral History:
Panelist Updates: Import and update member details in bulk. Profile and demographic details can be updated in bulk using the Me-Grow Panelhub Import functionality. To access this functionality, select the panel from Main Menu -> Manage -> Members -> Panelist Update (Button) -> Import/Update Panelist (Button)
o List Batches: List all the imported batches for future reference.
o Import Panelist: Import members/panelist records. Me-Grow Panelhub shall validate the records (Email ID, Year of birth, Mobile number et al.). Import file has to be formatted as per Me-Grow Panelhub standards. All the mandatory fields are to be filled. Download the sample import template for reference.
Select the panel from Main Menu -> Manage -> Members -> Panelist Update (Button) -> Import/Update Panelist (Button) -> Download template to import new panelist.
To include the profile details in the import file, add additional columns at the end of import template. Add profile question ID as header and fill in the column with answer option IDs. Refer the profile question and answer option IDs under - Select the panel from Main Menu -> Manage -> Members -> Panelist Update (Button) -> Import/Update Panelist (Button) -> Download profile questions.
o Update Existing Panelist: Update the profile details for the existing panelists
Select the panel from Main Menu -> Manage -> Members -> Panelist Update (Button) -> Import/Update Panelist (Button) -> Select “Update Existing” option under upload type -> Download template to update existing panelists.
Panelist Statuses: Panelists/Members are segmented on various status basis various attributes like, responsiveness, email validity, reachability etc. Listed below the available panelist statuses.
o Active: Panelist successfully verified their email ID and are actively participating in research studies
o Activation Pending: Panelist who registered but not verified their email/Account not activated yet
o Sleeping: Panelist who activated but gradually stopped responding to research studies.
o Deleted: Panelist who has been deleted manually. Admin can delete the test IDs.
o Banned: Panelist who has been set as banned basis the suspicious activities witnessed.
o Spam: Panelist who had marked our emails as SPAM.
o UTC: Unable to Contact – Panelist whose emails are getting bounced and no other medium available to contact (Panelist has not shared Phone number or installed the app so we can reach out through SMS or app notifications).
o On Vacation: Panelists who are on vacation, Panelist can opt out of promotions or survey invites for a period of 15 days
o Unsubscribed: Panelist who had unsubscribed/Unregistered from the panel/Community.
Set Panelist Statuses: Update panelist status to segment them. Select the panel from Main Menu -> Manage -> Members -> Set Status (Button)
Panelist Rewards & Bulk Point update: Upload panelist/Member reward points in bulk. Select the panel from Main Menu -> Manage -> Members -> Upload Points (Button)
Create a CSV file with the list of panelist, points to be assigned and reason for the point credit/debit.
Profile Questions: The questions section allows you to administer the profiling questions and categories that you have on your panel. The panel will be set up with the standard profiling categories and questions and once set up you can access them through the questions tab. Select
o Profile Question Category: This function allows you to create a new category for additional profiling questions that you wish to add to your panel. For example if you have panel specific questions that you wish to add to the panel (such as “How often do you visit our website?”, “How often do you read our newspaper”?) you can create a separate category to place these under. A category is the header under which all of the profiling questions reside. For example the category Auto will contain all of the questions related to the consumer automobile.
o Add New Category : To create a new profile category, Select the panel from Main Menu -> Manage -> Profile Questions -> Add New -> Category
o Add New Profile Question: Add custom questions under the profile category created. To add a new question Select the panel from Main Menu -> Manage -> Profile Questions -> Action-> Add Question
Category: Choose the category which the question will be created under.
Question Type: Choose from the drop down list if you question will be a single choice question or a multiple choice question
Question Name: Add the name of the question.
Question text: Place the question in the question text box in English.
Panalist Profiler Questions
List Profile Question Categories
Add New Category:
New Question:
Reward Options: Connect the preferred reward options and allow the panelist to redeem upon reaching the minimum threshold. Set the redemption limit and customize the content to be made visible in the panelist portal. To list and add a new payment method to the panel, Select the panel from Main Menu -> Manage -> Reward Options
Add New: Add a new payment option, connect or disconnect the option from the panelist portal. Navigate to Main Menu → Manage → Reward Options → Add New (Button).
Reward Name: Set the option name or reward name.
Min-Limit: Define the minimum redemption threshold. Set the limit a panelist can redeem upon reaching.
Max-Limit: Define the maximum redeemable limit.
Unit Cost: Specify the cost per reward code or voucher code. Redemptions will be in multiples of the unit cost.
Mode: Choose whether the reward is processed manually or automatically.
Confirmation Message: The message displayed in the panelist portal upon raising a redemption request, allowing the panelist to verify their claim.
Acknowledgment Message: A success message confirming the submission of the claim request.
Logo: Attach the reward logo to be displayed in the panelist portal.
Manual Rewarding: A batch will be created under your account once your panelists redeems their earned points towards the reward options connected to the panel. These batches accumulates the panelist and redemption details enabling the panel owner to validate and process the payment. To access the payment batches, Select the panel from Main Menu -> Manage -> Manual Rewarding
Select panel from Main Menu -> Manage -> Manual Rewarding
o Redeem Request: All the redemption claims will be accumulated as a batch under Redeem Request. Create the batch to analyse the details of each and every claim requests.
Select panel from main Menu -> Manage -> Manual Rewarding -> Redeem Request -> Under the list hit the hamburger menu to access the batch.
o Redemption Processing: Redemption batches created shall be moved to “Redemption Processing” Download the batch in CSV format to read the details of the panelist and redemptions made.
o Upload the appropriate reward codes using csv file.
o Dispatched: All the processed batched will be listed in this section for future reference.